Health Monitor 2024

How is the health of the residents of Utrecht? The GGD Health Monitor will provide an answer to this question. The Health Monitor provides an overview of the health, social situation, and lifestyle of the Dutch population and contributes to effective health policy.

More than 27,000 randomly selected citizens of Utrecht will be approached to participate in this study. They can receive an invitation for the study from 16 September onwards. The questionnaire contains various topics, such as health, well-being, lifestyle and participation. The study will be open starting from the 16th of September until early December.


The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) randomly selects people who are invited to participate in the GGD Health Monitor 2024. They are a good reflection of the population. This group of residents is invited to complete a questionnaire. This can be done online or on paper. Persons who are not selected cannot participate in this study. Participation is voluntary, but the city of Utrecht would appreciate your participation.

Based on the results, municipalities, GGDs and other government agencies determine the health policy for the coming years. 

The data of the participants will be treated and processed in the strictest confidence. More information about how we handle the privacy of participants and why we work together with Statistics Netherlands can be found in our privacy statement.

Have you received an invitation and do you have questions?

Please read the frequently asked questions about the Health Monitor (in Dutch).

Do you have any additional questions? Get in touch:

  • By phone: 0800 – 0191 (free of charge), available every day from 9.00 a.m. – 9.00 p.m.
  • By e-mail: send an e-mail to

About the Health Monitor

The department of public health of the city of Utrecht collaborates with the GGDs, the CBS and the GOR network (health research in disaster situations). Throughout the Netherlands, more than 1.5 million people will receive an invitation for this study. Part of the questionnaire is the same for all municipalities, including Utrecht. This national collaboration ensures that the results are comparable.

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