
If you want to make an appointment for any product of gemeente Utrecht, you need to do so digitally . Please use the appointment tool. The page on which you can make an appointment is in Dutch.

Moving from abroad, staying shorter than 4 months

Registration procedure for non-residents of the Netherlands. Will you be staying in the Netherlands for less than 4 months during the next half year? You will be registered in the RNI. RNI stands for Registratie Niet Ingezetenen, meaning Registration of Non Inhabitants. At registration you will be provided with a BSN (Burger Service Nummer or Citizens Security Number).

More information on RNI

Moving from abroad, staying longer than 4 months

If you live abroad and want to move (back) to the Netherlands foremore than 4 months in the next half year, you need to register at the municipality in 5 days after your arrival in the Netherlands. Make an appointment for your registration. Do you have a partner and/or children? And do they also need to be registered in Utrecht? Then they need to come with you to the appointment.

More information on registering at gemeente Utrecht

Deregistration, emigration or returning to your homeland

We speak of emigration when:

  • You reside more than 8 months abroad in 1 year. Please note, that this period does not need to be uninterrupted.
  • You return to your homeland again.

More information on how you can report your emigration